Potato Chips and Weight Gain

As potato chips are tasty people tend to take a lot of it not just one or two chips; which finally ends up in weight gain.

Amplify’d from www.cbsnews.com

Potato chips piling on the pounds, study finds

LOS ANGELES – Blame the potato chip. It’s the biggest demon behind that pound-a-year weight creep that plagues many of us, a major diet study found. Bigger than soda, candy and ice cream.

The new study finds food choices are key. The message: Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Cut back on potatoes, red meat, sweets and soda.

“There is no magic bullet for weight control,” said one study leader, Dr. Frank Hu. “Diet and exercise are important for preventing weight gain, but diet clearly plays a bigger role.”

Potato chips were the biggest dietary offender. Each daily serving containing 1 ounce (about 15 chips and 160 calories) led to a 1.69-pound uptick over four years. That’s compared to sweets and desserts, which added 0.41 pound.

Read more at www.cbsnews.com


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  1. Gaining weight? Beware potatoes—baked, fried, or in chips
  2. What Potato Chips can Give You « jazzercrak07

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